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2020- Cancled

Baltimore, Maryland



Our design is inspired by the power of convergence and distinction, and for this we turned to geometry and nature.  Memory Root/Triphyllum is a rendition of the geometric principles of the spiral lattice  in which distinctive vectors converge onto a common node. This pattern, also known as the Fibonacci sequence or the divine proportion, is prevalent in nature and it ha captured the imagination of mankind through the ages the simplicity, elegance, and strength of the objects in which it manifests.

The structure of many plants follow this spiral pattern, but our proposal embraces and celebrates the Arisaema Triphyllum, a tubular flower native the Baltimore area, because at its historical resilience (i.e., reproduction) derives from the balance of achieved by its spiral lattice design. The beauty of its spiriling canopy attracts pollinators and its strong tubular design ensures protects the flower until it bears the red berries that give the plant its name (aris is Greek for blood). This potent medicinal plant is also know as Jack in the Pulpit, and Memory Root. The lore surrounding this latter name dates back to colonial times and it involves stories in which Native American youth would prank colonists into taking a bite of the unprocessed bulb root of the plant, resulting temporary swelling and unforgettable experience. As these communities look into future changes the station will bring, having a space of convivio where their collective identity, history, and memory can be lived, celebrated and continued will make these neighborhoods stronger and more desirable.  This can only result from the synergy of the three main componets coming together in this site. Like Triphyllum leaves, which come in threes, we see Highlandtown, Greektown, and the Station that will link them as a triad, and the associated improvement that we propose could serve as that canopy that attracts productive activity that results in the resilience, attractivenes, and growth of urban life in these neighborhoods.

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